Woodland is ideally placed to take on both restoration and re-restoration projects involving the importation of inert material.
We own and operate a variety of plant and machinery which is utilised throughout the construction of our projects. And with our thorough Management Protocols and Duty of Care Systems, you can rest assured that your project is in very safe hands.
Restoration Project Options
- Funding Options
- Planning Service
- Design Service
- PR Service
- Full Scheme of Restoration & Re-Restoration
- Gas Monitoring
- Gas Venting
- Phase I & II Site Investigation
- Duty of Care Systems
- Waste Management Protocols
- Decontamination & Remediation
- Dewatering
- Site Clearance
- External Project Management
- Budget & Cost Analysis
- Site Supervision
- Large scale bulk earthworks and project shaping
- Final Project Shaping
- Final Project Build
- Security measures to prevent illegal vehicular entry
- Drainage (SUDS)
- Fencing
- Lighting
- Signage
- Grass Seeding & Turfing
- Ponds & Wetlands Creation
- Soft Landscaping
- Hard Landscaping – Pathways (Coxwell Gravel) Access Roads, Car parking
- Biodiversity Establishment
- Habitat Creation
- Ecological Enhancement, for example:
bat boxes, reptile refugia and badger mounds